If you are thinking about starting an activity involving goats, and you’ve already figured out everything you need to know about what a good goat shed entails, or what the appropriate goat feed is, then you might want to learn a little bit more about the cheese these animals produce.
Despite being known for thousands of years, goat cheese has not gained as much popularity as other types of cheese have throughout time. Cows are definitely the champions when it comes to producing this great type of food, but more and more people start to understand the benefits of goat cheese, as well.
A healthier choice
Also known as chevre, thanks to the French traditions built around it, this type of food has plenty of benefits to offer that can ensure a healthy life and a balanced diet. It’s true that the level of fat it contains is rather high, which might not make it as appealing for those who are watching their weights, but you might be surprised to find out some interesting facts on this matter.
Goat cheese contains very good proportions of vitamins, micronutrients, calcium, as well as high-quality proteins. Moreover, it has no trans fat, meaning that it doesn’t pose as many risks as many processed foods that we regularly consume, such as snacks or margarine.
Moreover, since it’s such a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, goat cheese maintains bones in good health. Another aspect worth considering is that since goats are not as bombarded with growth hormones, as many times cows are, their cheese has a lower level of pesticides.
For this reason, choosing goat cheese, at least from time to time, is a very good idea. While it might be pricier than cow cheese, in the end you should consider that it’s a healthier alternative, as you are standing in the dedicated dairy aisle of your local store.
Goat cheese comes with a distinct flavor and creamy texture, and for those who enjoy eating it, it’s easily recognizable among various other types. While some people dislike it precisely for this reason, once you learn to appreciate its taste, you’ll most probably be hooked.
The great part about cheese in general, and goat cheese in particular, is that it comes in a wide range of textures and flavors, from those you can simply spread on a fresh piece of bread, to salty or aged alternatives. Some of the most popular options for those who enjoy it are aged cheddar, brie, or fresh cheese logs.
Nutritional value
Regular coagulation and separation processes are used for making goat cheese, but this doesn’t mean that it has the same nutritional content as cow cheese. This might seem like a pretty obvious statement, but it’s important to be aware of the differences, especially if you want to diversify your diet but you do have precise guidelines that you need to follow.
Since this type of cheese is processed and digested differently by the human body than that made of cow’s milk, it can be a very good alternative for those who are allergic to the latter. Moreover, the nutritional content also depends on the processing method, some of the popular ones being aging or curing.
No matter the type of goat cheese that you choose to eat, you will get plenty of health benefits, since good fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins are contained within each piece. According to some studies, the recommended serving size is rather small (around 1 oz.) but it can still deliver high amounts of nutrients.
Healthy fats
It might sound like it’s too good to be true, but goat cheese provides healthy fats, this way improving satiety, which in turn can actually help with weight loss. Besides that, you can also rely on it to ensure high-quality proteins, calcium and copper, as well as to be a good source of selenium, vitamin B3, and magnesium.
Since goat cheese contains higher levels of medium-chain fatty acids than cheese made of cow milk, these can be broken down and then absorbed by the human body faster, which means that it’s less likely for them to be stored as fats.
Capric acid, another medium-chain fatty acid contained within goat cheese, has been shown through research to possess various anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Some studies have even shown that capric acid can be effective in combating acne.
We’ve heard a lot in the past years about probiotics and about their importance in maintaining the digestive system, which plays a crucial role for the overall health. Depending on the type that you choose, goat cheese can actually contain a wide range of probiotics that are beneficial in boosting the immune system and in reducing inflammation.
Studies have shown that cheese is actually an excellent carrier of probiotics, since its high fat content and its texture ensure protection for the good bacteria during the digestive phase. What this means for you is that a larger number of probiotics gets delivered towards the gut, where they keep everything balanced.
A more filling meal
Although we’ve briefly mentioned this a bit earlier, goat cheese tends to be more filling given the fatty acid profile it offers. A study conducted on 33 adults has shown that having a breakfast that contains goat cheese can significantly reduce the urge to eat more and, therefore, leads to decreased sensations of hunger.
The study has compared the effectiveness of goat cheese against that made of cow milk. Besides the weight loss benefits it can bring, remember that eating better and healthier is one of the best policies if you want to enjoy a long life next to your families.
Therefore, don’t hesitate to give this wonderful product a try and see its benefits for yourself. The great part about goat cheese is that alpha lactoglobulin, which is a component in cow milk responsible for many milk protein allergies, is absent in this case. Therefore, goat cheese might be the solution you’ve been waiting for in order to enjoy dairy.
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